Who this Blog is For…
I have been asked on numerous occasions to share my writing, as it could be a source of encouragement or inspiration to other people; however, as I use my writing as a way of working through tough situations, it is quite personal. I just haven’t been willing to put it out there for fear of negative critique in the past.
However, after the cancer diagnosis, my husband and my Mum urged me to blog about my journey to help and inspire others. I have been sitting on this URL for a while, and it just feels like the right time to now take the step to do something I have been dreaming of for a long time. If cancer has taught me anything, it’s that I need to stop putting things off, and just ‘do that damn thing’!
So with that in mind; you are in the right place if:
- You need encouragement or inspiration.
- You’re struggling in your faith walk.
- You enjoy poetry and ‘real life’ writing.
- You’re also walking the cancer journey or have already walked it.
- If you love someone who is going through cancer; because sometimes it’s hard to put into words how we’re feeling – so my writing might help you understand a little more what your loved one is going through.
This blog isn’t going to be just about cancer, and my journey; so you won’t be finding posts on what the best medicine to combat nausea is, alternative treatments, or the best nutrition advice that is guaranteed to cure cancer. It is more focused on the emotional side of things, I don’t believe there is enough ‘real life’ writing out there to help you navigate the emotional side of a diagnosis like this.
You can search the internet for cancer, and you will get websites about the symptoms, causes, treatments and how to live with cancer – but I didn’t see anything that just discussed the emotional effects on you, or your family, with a diagnosis like this.
So I want to be that breath of fresh air – the ‘let’s get real’ and openly discuss what this really means to us; especially as I am dealing with breast cancer, and knowing I have surgery coming – what does this mean to me, to be disfigured, and what does this mean for my husband?
I promise you realness, I promise you vulnerability, but I also promise you hope and inspiration. I guarantee a faith-based look at life – the good and the bad, I won’t hide the hard questions, but I will try and work through them to offer you a fresh perspective, and why I hold onto my faith even in the hard times.
I also will write about more than cancer, I will be sharing poetry and short stories from years past as well… so if you don’t relate to the cancer posts, I hope you still find something here to encourage and inspire you in this thing we call life.